Filmmaker and Creative Director from Montevideo, Uruguay,
specializing in Motion Design, animation & postproduction.

I have an unorthodox vision and a passion for subversive subcultures, D.I.Y.,
and skateboarding culture. All of this is incorporated into my audiovisual storytelling. 

BA in Visual Arts (UDELAR), Tec. Degree in Interior Design (UDE) &
+2 years BA in digital and electronic Art (UDELAR).

︎ Awards and Recognitions.

In an infinite and never-ending search to develop creativity not limited to technical skills nor platforms. I jump between Photography, Fine Arts, filmmaking, animation & Music.

I’ve worked with some big names in the field such as Lockt, LANDIA, TRON.CO, Thrasher, Vans, Aparato, Motion Principles, and many other amazing studios and clients, I still collaborate today.

In the past 10 years, I have lived in MVD, São Paulo, BsAs, NYC, and Berlin.
At the moment my base is in between BsAs < ︎> NYC.

Currently, I'm freelancing worldwide. Feel free to contact me about some projects or whatever. / @jvyvazquez / Linkedin

In ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ 

Jvy Vazquez © 2023 / CV upon request.